Teagan Kearney/G.N. Kearney: Writer: New Release! Yay!

New Release! Yay!


Ancestral Secrets is now available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited for those who subscribe to that program. Yay! The last few days have been hectic, and at one point I wasn’t sure I’d make my deadline, (I’ll spare you the details and myself some embarrassment) but somehow everything has come together.
Early reviewers of Hekate’s Chalice, the first in the series, asked for more relationship development between the characters so, although there’s a crime to solve, I’ve tried to satisfy readers in this respect. Here’s the blurb:
Blackmail, double dealing and dubious secret organizations. Solving one problem one is doable for the Adept Solutions crew but dealing with all three will be a challenge.
Someone is blackmailing three of the most powerful citizens in Tropolis; the mayor, a master vampire and a ruthless crime boss, and all three have hired the Adept Solutions agency to find the perpetrator.
Unfortunately JB's investigative team are not at full strength. Jason is in thrall to Zhanna, the faerie, Nikki's worried about her new husband cheating on her and JB's father is dying. He's also distracted by his new relationship with Gemma, the fourth member of the group. Added to the mix, two secret organizations, with conflicting agendas, have surfaced in the city.
Can the team put their personal difficulties aside, track down the blackmailer and outwit their rivals before their clients' secrets are revealed?
If you like cozy mysteries interwoven with entertaining doses of magic and humor, then you’ll love this urban fantasy novella, and if you haven’t read any of the series, Hekate’s Chalice, Book One is free to download - click the Newsletter Sign Up tab at the top of the page to receive your free copy. 
In the meantime, keep reading, stay well and best wishes,

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