Teagan Kearney/G.N. Kearney: Writer: SIMPLY HAVING FUN



I received my nomination for The Quintet of Radiance award in May from the generous hearted Michelle Stanley, whose ongoing encouragement has kept my determination to blog and write my stories strong. And what a lovely award which includes not just one, but five brilliant titles.  I'm honoured to accept, and love that word radiance as it makes me feel as if I’m developing a few angelic qualities – which I most decidedly am not.


So here goes...


Display the badge in a post.
Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back – Thank you, Michelle. You can find Michelle’s upbeat blog at:
Using the alphabet, describe yourself in a word or phrase.
Nominate a few bloggers.

My Nominees for the Quintet of Radiance Award are:
These bloggers are amazing and their blogs demonstrate a few of the many possibilities of blogging. Please check them out - you'll be glad you did.

Amanda Staley:
Leanne Dyck: 
Rebecca Prough: 
Sandara Tyler:
Irene Waters: 


Absinthe is one alcoholic drink I’ve never tasted
Bake bread (with spelt flour) on occasion
Cheerful chocolate and coffee aficionado
Daydreamer – always
Efficient up to a point
Fiction lover
Good at encouraging others
Hate humbug in all forms, especially lying politicians
Independent, impulsive and an ice cream eater (can’t resist anything mocha flavoured)
Juggler – excellent with two items - even one handed - and can still play tennis balls up against the wall like I did as a kid; three I can manage for a short while
Keen on learning new skills, like how to become a writerpreneur
Lethargic at times – enjoy my duvet days
Messy at times, then rush around cleaning – you should have seen me demolish the dead poppies in the garden border yesterday.
Never had nephritis (so far – fingers crossed)
Oprah Winfrey admirer
Pacifist – think life is precious and war an abomination
Quiet with people I don’t know; never shut up with people I do
Reincarnation – wonder what I’ll come back as? (This isn’t a plug for my upcoming paranormal romance/thriller)
Sedated by most reality tv
Thinker – need space in my day to think - about lots of things
Under no illusion as to how much work goes into writing a novel
Vampire story writer – okay, this is a plug for my upcoming paranormal romance/thriller
Would love to visit the Grand Canyon again – I’m one of the 1% of visitors who trekked down to the Colorado River. (It’s a mile down they said – I can walk a mile I said. Lol!)
Xcited about, and by, life in all its magnificent awfulness (sorry – didn’t find any x words in the dictionary that sparked a single thought worth sharing)
Yes I can – I just wish it was as easy as saying it
Zzz... hope reading this hasn’t put you to sleep and if you got this far... thank you!

And thanks again, for the nomination, Michelle. The A – Z took longer, and was a whole lot more fun than I anticipated.

Writing Update

Three more chapters and the second edit is finished. I had decided to make sure I’d put in enough sensory descriptions, yet half way through got so caught up in tightening syntax, it went right out of my mind. First thing on the list for the next edit. One of my beta readers made some thoughtful suggestions in his feedback, which was positive overall, and I’ve taken those on board.

Opinions on the title, The Unforgiveness of Blood, have been mixed (too masculine, clumsy). I liked my choice, but I’m going to do a bit more research and continue to mull over the current one. I'd appreciate any readers thoughts on this title - just to have a bit more feedback.

One part of me is has difficulty believing I’m almost at the point of publishing a novel (as opposed to a wee book of haiku). Another part is thinking that if I manage to complete and publish in July, I’ll start the rough draft of Book two in the Blood Tears Trilogy in nanowrimo mode in August. I find the whole business thoroughly enlivening. So...hey ho...onward and upward!

Today’s Haiku
nebulous dismal
mist doesn’t conceal seagulls'
plaintive hawking cries

Useful Links
Good practical advice about editing:
More great writing advice from an expert:

I’d love it if you popped over to Wattpad and read any of my posted stories...just click on the links to the right.

Join me on Twitter at: teagankearney@modhaiku 

Thanks for visiting my blog, and please do leave a comment.
To all story lovers out there, good reading, and to those of you who write, good writing.

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