Teagan Kearney/G.N. Kearney: Writer: 2019

Healer's Magic on Audible!

At last! 
Healer's Magic was the second book I wrote and self-published on Amazon, but the journey, for one reason or another, from book to audiobook has taken much longer than I anticipated. In fact, I managed to publish seven other audiobooks before this one!

Nonethless, I am very happy to annouce that the audiobook is now availalable on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. Click the link to hear a sample:
Healer's Magic is FREE as an audiobook with Audible's 30-Day Trial:

A powerful healer. A treacherous enemy. A deadly conflict.

Tatya's world slides into chaos when a demon consumed with the desire to control her power attacks those she loves. She refuses the local master vampire’s offer of aid, as he's just turned her best friend into one of the undead. She needs allies, but who can she trust in the battle to destroy this dangerous enemy?
If you like urban fantasy laced with mysticism, fast-paced action, and stubborn independent heroines, you'll love this fresh innovative take on the vampire/demon myth. 

'Healer’s Magic’ is Book One in the 'Kala Trilogy'.

Here's what reviewers are saying about this epic paranormal thriller.
"An intoxicating work of creativity, passion, imagination and danger...stretches the boundaries for this type of fiction in new ways...fresh and original." Gillian Hancock, Indie Book Reviewer.

"An interesting concept ... great energy that whisks us along...genuine and authentic." Laura Clarke, Indie Book Reviewer.
"Addicting, multi-layered story." Layla Messing, Indie Book Reviewer.


The ebook edition is also FREE and available to download from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Prolific Works, Story Origin etc.

Best wishes, be kind to yourselves and others and keep reading!

Playing with graphics

As an indie author/authorpreneur/self-pubbed author*, I sign up to a lot of newsletters, especially those that have insights into any relevant areas of the book publishing/marketing industry. One dropped into my mailbox today from which stirred my interest.

The email was about a website called BookBrush which allows authors to create images for marketing their books. The Free Plan allows 3 downloads per month, so I clicked the link and spent a happy hour clicking buttons and experimenting. You can view the results below. I'm not a professional, although, I use Adobe photoshop for my book covers and for my ads, and I found this amazingly quick and easy to use.

Here are my results:

I'll tweak these a bit more and, especially in the second one, would like to play around with the font, but next time I won't click the Download button twice on one image as it counted as two downloads! There are 2 plans, the Limted Free plan and the Plus plan which is $8 per month, paid yearly ($96). 

If you like learning new skills and want to give BookBrush a try, check it out here:

And if you're looking for someone to help you promote your books, check out      

Best wishes, 

*self-pubbed, for those who don't know, refers to self-published authors, not writers who choose write their books in pubs (tradition British drinking places).

Special Weekend Freebies!

Hi everyone! 

This weekend I'd like to share these free books with you. Some are mine, some are written by other indie writers and you can download as many as you want. Take this opportunity to fill your ereaders with some great summer reading.

Veiled Planet (a sci-fi romantic thriller) and One Summer in Montmartre (a time-slip Women’s Fiction) are FREE until the 18th August.

Both Smashwords and Kobo have had sales of my three box sets in the last couple of months, and until the 18th August, you can pick up the Kala Trilogy Box Setthe Adept Solutions Box Setand the Saoirse Saga Box Set for $2.99 each on Amazon. So, head on over to your local Amazon website and pick up some free and discounted books.

And if you haven't done so already, then please download these permafree books from your favorite digital retailer.

If you're an avid reader, please check out August’s Giveaways where you can download as many books as you want and fill your ereaders with plenty of summer reading.
Dean Foster’s August promo has a fabulous collection of Sci-fi and Fantasy books, all neatly organized according to genre, which makes finding your favorites real easy.
Check out this brilliant group giveaway for action and adventure in far-flung universes.

 Be kind to yourself and to others and keep reading.
Best wishes,

New Release: Song of the Fae

Song of the Fae is live! Yeah!

I'm always nervous and excited as the release day of a new book approaches, hoping readers will enjoy the results of my hard work and imagination. After the book goes live, there's a slow deflation and a sigh of sadness as I say goodbye to characters whose dramas have occupied my internal landscape for the past  months. 

Now, it's up to you, dear readers, to see if the book meets your expectations. 
Here's the blurb:

First a prisoner, then a fugitive, now Roshène must earn her freedom.

Roshène’s blood is powerful, but she’s trapped in a nightmare without memories where her every move is controlled by a demonic sorcerer. When a chance to escape appears, she seizes it and flees.

Alone and with no one to turn to, Roshène accepts help from Hunter, a Fae guardian. Together, they undertake a hazardous journey to safety: the prize—the return of her memories. Along the way, she becomes increasingly dependent on and attracted to Hunter.

In exchange for their protection and help, the Fae will demand payment. But the question haunting Roshène is, will Hunter turn out to be just another jailer or her savior?

Song of the Fae, a gripping romantic thriller, takes you on an exhilarating journey into a marvelous urban fantasy world.

Reviewers say:

"A perfect start to an exciting new series!"
"A wonderful start to a series I have fallen in love with."
"Hunter and Roshène rock this story!"
As a new release, the book is currently sale for 0.99c, so pick up your copy today! 

Song of the Fae, Book One in the Fae Heritage series, is available from:

Amazon     Barnes & Noble       iBooks         Kobo      Smashwords

Have a great week and best wishes,

Courage Under Fire

As D-Day approached, I remembered a short story, Courage Under Fire , I'd written some time ago. Although my story takes place during WW...