Teagan Kearney/G.N. Kearney: Writer: WRITING MY NOVEL - NO WORKING TITLE YET


 I'll try to be honest here. I'm starting this blog - and I'll see how it goes - as I'm attempting a bit of self-marketing. I'm more than a bit nervous but nothing ventured, nothing gained (reader beware, I do like a good proverb!).
At the moment I've spent an hour or so reading info on blogs - instead of working on the novel - and have got this far. I don't know how often I'll post - you'd be surprised how much self discipline can be needed - or maybe you wouldn't - so I'll say weekly and see how it goes.

As far as my novel itself goes, I'm on the first edit. Lengthwise I have about 70,000 words. (Animal Farm has about 25,000 and Crime and Punishment has around 211,591 I took these figures from a website so they may not be exact but you get the idea - it's the story that counts not the number of words.)

It's a two stranded tale with one strand taking place in the present and the other in the past. Not original, I know, and it's probably more like two novellas which are linked through their connection with a particular object.
As far as genre goes, I guess it's mainstream fiction with some loss, some conflict, some love, some resolution.
I'm currently working on strand A, particularly on my lead character. She can't be wimpy. She has to be proactive - she has to have the best lines - but she has to be the centre of the action - even if all that  means her handbag is being stolen (and let's face it not every action has to be an imminent end of the world scenario).

When I've figured out a bit more of how to work this blog thing, I'll put up some writing, flash fiction, haikus etc., photos and paintings (well they're pastel drawings actually - hope you like the one on the top of the page!)

In the meantime here's a senryu which is structurally similar to a haiku but is more about human nature and often satirical or ironic.

The kitchen's a mess,
The dishes are not done,
But I sit writing.

I've enjoyed dipping my toe into the blogosphere (new experience, new jargon) and I hope, if anyone ever finds their way to this blog, you enjoy it too.

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